Progressive Irrigation District was formed in 1908 and is a quasi municipal corporation under the State of Idaho enacted to deliver irrigation water. Our boundaries extend from the southeast section of Jefferson County to the south end of Bonneville County. We have two Main head gates out of the Snake River above Ririe. They are the Anderson and the Eagle Rock Canal head gates. Our irrigation water flows through the following canals: Anderson, Ammon, Ammon Extension, Cook/Koster, Crow Creek, East Center, Gardner, Hillside, Little Sand Creek, Payne Extension, Riley, Sand Creek, Sage, Taylor Extension, West Center and the South Branch and the North Branch of Willow Creek. The Boundaries of our district encompass approximately 41000 acres and we currently assess 27,532.48 acres. We have 121.5 miles of canals with 427 turnouts and pumping stations.